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Tallinna Kunstihoone


Dear art lovers!


See you on Thursday!

20.09 is the exhibition “Hold Me Tender” open until 18

Dear art lovers!   See you on Thursday!

Opening times of the Pavilion and City Gallery

Lasnamäe Pavilion: 07.04 closed 08.04 12-19 09.04 closed   City Gallery: 07.04 closed 08.04 11-18 09.04 closed

See you in the new year!

Tallinn Art Hall Lasnamäe pavilion is closed for technical reasons.   We will open on January 4.   See you in the new year!

Opening hours on holidays

Dear Artlover!   Closed: 23.12 – 27.12   Exhibition is open: 28.12 – 30.12   Closed 31.12.2022 – 03.01.2023   Happy holidays!

Hea õpetaja!

20. veebruaril toimub virtuaalne infopäev õpetajatele, kus tutvustame uut programmi gümnaasiumile “Modernism”. Palun registreeri!   Loe lähemalt siit.

The exhibition will be open on 20 and 21 June from 11 am to 6 pm, on 22 June from 11 am to 3 pm,

and it will be closed on Victory Day and Midsummer and on the following weekend from 23 to 26 June.   Come to Tallinn Art Hall, art expands the world!

Night of Museums 2022

Dear art lover!   On 21 May 18:00-23:00 you can visit the exhibitions of the Tallinn Art Hall, the Art Hall Gallery and the City Gallery for free!   Come to Tallinn Art Hall, art expands the world!

Exhibitions are closed on Wednesday 20 April!

We apologize for the inconvenience caused and hope to see you on Thursday!

Easter opening hours

Tallinn Art Hall, Art Hall Gallery and City Gallery are closed on Good Friday, April 15th.   Sat, Sun open 11am–6pm.   Come to Tallinn Art Hall, art expands the world!

25.05 is the exhibition “We’ll Be Right Back, You Just Keep Playing!”. open until 16.30

Dear art lovers!   On Wednesday, 25 May we will close the doors of Tallinn Art Hall earlier than usual!   See you on Thursday!