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Tallinna Kunstihoone


1. March – 2. March


Mon – Tue 11-18


3. March – 28. March

Mon-Sun Closed


Please wear a mask when visiting.

Opening hours

1. March – 2. March   Mon – Tue 11-18   3. March – 28. March Mon-Sun Closed   Please wear a mask when visiting.

Kevadnäitus 2021

Kevadnäitusele kandideerimiseks palume kunstniku ja tema teos(t)e andmed 10. detsembrist 2020 kuni 15. veebruarini 2021 sisestada veebikeskkonda


ON SUNDAY, the 14th of February the exhibition “Cut out of Life” at Tallinn Art Hall (Vabaduse väljak 8) is opened 11:00-15:30.   We apologise for the inconvenience caused!


Tallinn Art Hall launches a new Artist in Residence Programme for professional artists living in Germany in partnership with Goethe-Institut Estland. This program offers a studio-apartment in central Tallinn for 2 months, as well as travel and a stipend. The dates in the studio in Tallinn are August 1-September 30, 2021.   Read more

Suletud 28.12.20-17.01.21

Tallinn Art Hall, Art Hall Gallery and City Gallery is closed until 17.01.2021.   Read and listen to the exhibition guide: DIGIGIID.EE   We wish you the very best of health! Tallinn Art Hall team.

Aastavahetus 2020

21.12-29.12 closed 30.12 11.00-18.00 31.12 11.00-15.00 01.01.2021 closed   Happy holidays!

Closed on August 20

Dear visitors!   Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn City Gallery and Art Hall Gallery are closed on August 20.   We welcome you back on Friday!

27.05.2020 TKH näitus avatud alates 15:00

  Tallinna Art Hall will open on 27.05 at 15:00.   We apologize for the inconvenience caused.        

Virtual tours 15.04, 16.04

On Wednesday the 15. of April at 4PM (Estonian time) curator Corina L. Apostol will give a virtual tour in English of Ede Raadik’s exhibition “The Best You Can Ever Be”. Register here (live Q&A) or view a live feed on YouTube.   On Thursday the 16. of April at 4PM (Estonian time) curator Corina L. … Read more

Virtual tours 14.04 ja 15.04

On Tuesday the 14th of April at 4PM (Estonian time) curator Siim Preiman and artists Mihkel Ilus and Paul Kuimet will give a virtual tour in English of their exhibition “Endless Story”. Register here (live Q&A) or view a live feed on YouTube.   On Wednesday the 15. of April at 4PM (Estonian time) curator … Read more