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Tallinna Kunstihoone


On 15. October we will close at 5 pm to host the grand event “Tallinn Art Hall Goes to Lasnamäe” at 6 pm in Indakivi Centre.


Starting from 26 August a valid proof of one of the following must be shown at entrance to Tallinn Art Hall and its galleries:
a) COVID-19 EU vaccination certificate
b) COVID-19 certificate of recovery
c) a negative PCR-test (within 72h prior entrance)

Tallinn Art Hall Goes to Lasnamäe

On 15. October we will close at 5 pm to host the grand event “Tallinn Art Hall Goes to Lasnamäe” at 6 pm in Indakivi Centre.   Starting from 26 August a valid proof of one of the following must be shown at entrance to Tallinn Art Hall and its galleries: a) COVID-19 EU vaccination … Read more

Dear visitors!

Starting from 25 October a valid proof of one of the following must be shown at entrance to Tallinn Art Hall and its galleries: a) COVID-19 EU vaccination certificate, b) COVID-19 certificate of recovery.   We kindly ask you to wear a mask while at the exhibition.   For further information, please click here.   … Read more

Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn City Gallery and Art Hall Gallery are closed on August 20th.

Dear visitors!   Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn City Gallery and Art Hall Gallery are closed on August 20th to celebrate the Restoration of Independence Day.   We welcome you back on Saturday!

On SUNDAY, the 8th of August the exhibitions are CLOSED!

Dear visitors! We welcome you back on Wednesday!

Dear Artlover

Following 2+2 and 25% capacity rules Tallinn Art Hall can accommodate 27 visitors, Linnagalerii 5 visitors, Kunstihoone gallery 9 visitors.   Thank you for your understanding and collaboration! Number of visitors will be counted by our Visitor Experience Assistants.

Tallinn Art Hall is closed at the moment

Please visit our virtual exhibitions and read all about our shows from the digital exhibition guide.   Stay healthy and hope to see you soon!

Tallinn Art Hall is closed from 03.03.2021

Tallinn Art Hall is closed from 03.03.2021 until further notice based on the situation, the decision of the Government of the Republic and the need to protect our visitors and our employees.   We wish you the very best of health! Tallinn Art Hall team.  

Opening hours

1. March – 2. March   Mon – Tue 11-18   3. March – 28. March Mon-Sun Closed   Please wear a mask when visiting.

Kevadnäitus 2021

Kevadnäitusele kandideerimiseks palume kunstniku ja tema teos(t)e andmed 10. detsembrist 2020 kuni 15. veebruarini 2021 sisestada veebikeskkonda


ON SUNDAY, the 14th of February the exhibition “Cut out of Life” at Tallinn Art Hall (Vabaduse väljak 8) is opened 11:00-15:30.   We apologise for the inconvenience caused!