Infinite Lives
Curated by Camille Laurelli and Nicolas Audureau
Participating artists: Brody Condon (US), Clôde Coulpier (FR), Fabrice Croux (FR), Nadia Granados (CO), Ivars Gravlejs (LV), Marco Laimre (ET), Camille Laurelli (FR), Aleksandra Galkina (RU), David Ter-Oganyan (RU), Olga Zhitlina (RU)
The exhibition at Tallinn City Gallery will present playful work by ten artists regarding the increasingly blurred lines nowadays between reality and the virtual.
On the one hand, the title of the exhibition refers to the “lives” of computer game heroes, which never end; on the other, to the era of infinite lives, in which we have been residing for some time now. In everyday life, it may no longer be necessary or even possible to distinguish between artificial and natural spaces. More likely, there exists around us an infinite number of environments, which we spend time moving between. The world described by Arthur C. Clarke in The City and the Stars (1956), in which the inhabitants of the city could spend time together – play, run and swim – without leaving their homes, has arrived undetected. And it is undetected because human reason, with its wonderful ability to adapt, does not cast aspersions on such an existence for a second. Yesterday’s sinister science fiction is today’s pleasant reality.
The curators, Nicolas Audureau and Camille Laurelli say that Infinite Lives is an attempt to wake the body and the soul from this fantasy. The artists’ playful suggestions call into question the experiences relayed by images, the accompanying inconsistent truth, and eventually, look upon the materiality of art today with scepticism. Based on contemplation, cunning, and consistent observations, the works range from speculation to the disappointing truth.
Thanks to: Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Ministry of Culture, Tallinn City Office of Culture, Veinisõber, Kännukas