Spring Exhibition 2020. Artists Painting Artists

In 2020, the Spring Exhibition of the Estonian Artists Association will celebrate its 20th anniversary. The display will be opened in two parts: the exhibition Artists Painting Artists, curated by Kai Kaljo, will be opened at the Art Hall Gallery on 21 May, while the opening of the general exhibition at the Art Hall and City Gallery will take place on 11 June.
The anniversary exhibition of the Estonian Artists Association received 313 participation requests from which the jury and the curator selected works by 142 artists. For the past number of years, the Spring Exhibition has been designed to form a single whole by Kaarel Eelma. The exhibition will be accompanied by a catalogue, and the Audience Prize will also be awarded.
Participating artists:
Aapo Pukk, Aivar Juhanson, Alexei Gordin, Alina Orav, Anatoli Strahhov, Anne Daniela Rodgers, Anu Muiste, Eero Alev, Elo-Mai Mikelsaar, Ene Korstnik, Enn Põldroos, Enn Tegova, Enno Ootsing, Erki Kannus, Hannah Harkes, Helle Lõhmus, Huupi, Ilmar Kruusamäe, Irina Teesalu, Ivika Luisk, Jaan Toomik, Joel Jõevee, Jüri Kass, Juss Piho, Kai Kaljo, Karl-Erik Talvet, Karl-Kristjan Nagel, Katrin Saag, Katrin Piile, Kristiina Pärk, Kristina Viin, Laurentsius, Leslie Laasner, Liisa Kruusmägi, Maarit Murka, Maarja Nõmmik, Maigi Magnus, Mailis Toompuu, Mall Nukke, Manfred Dubov, Mara Ljutjuk, Margus Meinart, Mari-Liis Bassovskaja, Maria Generalova, Maria Sidljarevitš, Martin Urb, Martin QBA Kaares, Meiu Münt, Nelly Drell, Olesja Katšanovskaja-Münd, Peeter Must, Pille Ernesaks, Pille Jänes, Piret Rohusaar, Piret Mildeberg, Rain Ader, Rein Mägar, Silvi Lepparu, Sven Saag, Tiit Pääsuke, Tiiu Rebane, Toomas Reisalu, Ülle Marks, Uno Roosvalt, Urve Sunny-Dzidzaria, Valeri Vinogradov.
Kai Kaljo, the curator of the portrait exhibition, describes the theme of the exhibition as follows: “For many years, it had seemed to me that since the world was already so saturated with objects (including works of art), it would be a sin to produce more. When I started painting a portrait again after a long time, that feeling disappeared. I was thinking that if we can portray a living person (also depicting a likeness, of course), then this portrait could become alive and outlive the person.
Teaching at the university, I had a habit of coming up with fun tasks my students, and this is probably from where the idea for Artists Painting Artists emerged. I am very happy that my idea strikes a chord with so many people.”
Kai Kaljo’s curatorial tour for a maximum of 10 pre-registered visitors will take place on Saturday, 30 May at 2 pm. To register, please send an e-mail to: publik@kunstihoone.ee.
The exhibition was initiated by Kai Kaljo and Estonian Painters Association and it is part of the 20th Annual Spring Exhibition of Estonian Artists Association. Artists Painting Artists will be open at the Art Hall Gallery from 21 May until 5 July.
Spring Exhibition 2020 will be open at Tallinn Art Hall and the City Gallery from 11 June until 12 July.
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