Spring Exhibition 2021

The long-awaited Spring Exhibition 2021 of the Estonian Artists’ Association is returning to its roots: approached from different angles, artworks completed in 2020/2021 will be exhibited at three exhibition venues of Tallinn Art Hall. The main exhibition of works selected by the jury will be displayed at Tallinn Art Hall, while two curated satellite exhibitions will be on view nearby at Tallinn City Gallery and the Art Hall Gallery.
“The participants of the main exhibition of Spring Exhibition 2021 were selected by a jury comprised of Vano Allsalu (Vice-President of the Estonian Artists’ Association), Corina Apostol (curator at Tallinn Art Hall), Siim Preiman (curator at Tallinn Art Hall), Aivar Berzin (art supporter) and Hanna-Liis Kont (freelance curator). The number of requests to participate increases every year; this time as many as 359 applications were submitted.
“Artists show significant interest in displaying their works at the representative Spring Exhibition at Tallinn Art Hall. Thanks to this, participating in the work of the jury gave us an ideal opportunity to see a cross-section of the latest works from local artists. The works submitted were diverse in both content and form, and I believe that this will also be reflected in the final selection. Predictably, the stormy events and emotions of the past year are reflected in many of the works among both experienced authors and newcomers,” noted jury member Hanna-Liis Kont of this year’s exhibition.
The curated satellite exhibitions at the galleries will complement the main exhibition with different perspectives. At the Art Hall Gallery, Siim Preiman has compiled the group exhibition From Head to Toe, which deals with the human body and its extreme states. The exhibition at the City Gallery, Outside/In, curated by Corina Apostol introduces creative people working outside of the comforts of Tallinn’s art institutions.
According to Vano Allsalu, Vice-President of the Estonian Artists’ Association, the Spring Exhibition is traditionally associated with innovation: it is a meeting place for different creative styles, approaches and generations. “This year’s competition was more intense than ever. Inevitably, there were well-known names that were left out of the exhibition; at the same time, we were pleased to see the active participation of young artists. It has become good practice that the fresh and versatile Spring Exhibition speaks to a wider audience, while also providing experts with food for thought on topical issues in art,” Allsalu added.
Artists participating at the main exhibition at Tallinn Art Hall
Jüri Arrak, Jaanika Arum, Britta Benno, Erinn Cox, Liisi Eelmaa, Maria Erikson, Ulvi Haagensen, Hannah Harkes, Heleliis Hõim, Mihkel Ilus, Virge Jõekalda, Liisa Jugapuu, Elle Kannike, Erki Kasemets, Jüri Kass, Triin Kerge, Olev Kuma, Vilen Künnapu, Toomas Kuusing, Laura Kuusk, Laurentsius, Peeter Laurits, Silvi Liiva, Lola Liivat, Rein Mägar, Ove Maidla, Mihkel Maripuu, Herkki-Erich Merila, Katariin Mudist, Maarit Murka, Mari Männa, Sarah Nõmm, Terje Ojaver, Aet Ollisaar, Mall Paris, Evi Pärn, Juss Piho, Katrin Piile, Vassa Ponomarjova, Brenda Purtsak, Alvar Reisner, Mari Roosvalt, Lembe Ruben and Kaupo Kangur, Sten Saarits, Maret Sarapu, Andres Sütevaka (Mäekallas), Edgar Tedresaar, Evi Tihemets-Viires, Nele Tiidelepp, Kadri Toom, Anne Türn, Alexandre Valetto, Viive Väljaots, Toomas Vint.
Artists participating at the Inside/Out exhibition at the City Gallery
Evelyn Grzinich, Aksel Haagensen, Siiri Jüris, Jaanika Peerna, Lilli-Krõõt Repnau, Ann Mirjam Vaikla and Szymon Kula, Aleksandr Osvald August von Turro-Lebardov, Liis-Marleen Verilaskja
Artists participating at the From Head to Toe exhibition at the Art Hall Gallery
Kelli Gedvil, Cloe Jancis, Brit Kikas, Solveig Lill, Hanna Piksarv, Mari Volens
Also represented will be the Vaal, Positiiv, Haus and Okapi art galleries.
For the fifth year in a row, the audience has the opportunity to select their favourite artwork from the exhibition. Art patrons Tiit Pruuli, Jaan Manitski, Riivo Anton, Aivar Berzin and Rain Tamm are presenting a prize of 5,000 euros for the winner of the audience vote. An exhibition catalogue will also be compiled, which can be purchased from the Tallinn Art Hall bookstore.