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This Land is Your Land (working title)

Curator: Tamara Luuk

Aleksei Gordin – a quick-handed artist who mixes painting, photography, and comics; a nocturnal creature frequenting exhibition openings and parties; a social media graphomaniac, a chronicler of a vanishing world, and a rap artist of nostalgia-free art – is present in far too many places, has seen far too much despite his youth, and has no interest in taking dead serious positions. His ever-present, ever-active camera roams both urban and natural landscapes as persistently as he does. There is no reason to believe that the viewer’s gaze does not align with that of his camera, or that their fields of vision do not overlap.


In this way, certain moments of beauty – perhaps too simple to be consciously highlighted – become captured, even if the artist himself does not wish to emphasise them. Yet Gordin cannot escape his own eye. This unfiltered, documentary-driven, meme-loving perspective deserves to be shown, if only for the sake of understanding his work as a whole.